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Winter Images – License unique garden photos ❘ GardenImage
13428702 - Spring arrangement on the flower staircase: Narcissus 'Tahiti', horned violets, lily-flowered tulips 'Tres Chic', wallflowers 'Winter Charme' and forget-me-nots
13177349 - Woman ties grasses together as winter protection
13229905 - Gold lacquer 'Winter Spice' 'Winter Charme', Primrose 'Gold Nugget', purple bells 'Lime Marmalade' and Dwarf Calamus 'Ogon'
12621024 - Wooden bench in front of blooming winter jasmine
13395899 - autumn Wooden box planted with: gold-and-silver chrysanthemum, white-felted ragwort 'Winter Whispers', cushion bush, blue fescue 'Easy Blue' and curry kraut 'Silberzapfen'
13631154 - Witchhazel twigs and winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) in vase
13395565 - Christmas rose in a basket decorated for winter with hazel branches, fir, and pine cones
13177350 - Woman ties grasses together as winter protection
13229898 - Tin bowl with gold lacquer Poem 'Lavender' 'Winter Charm', hyacinth, grape hyacinth, ray anemone and a thousand beautiful
12620946 - Pot table with Christmas rose, snowdrops, hyacinths, winter aconite and witch hazel
12477601 - Sugarloaf spruce and sedge in baskets with moss as winter protection
12601072 - Winter-proof wooden box with skimmias and Christmas roses
13631170 - Winter bulbs (Eranthis hyemalis) and winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum) in flower pots
13399062 - Terrace for the winter party: pots with hot mulled wine on the barbecue, firepit, bench, and firewood rack with fur, blanket, and cushions as seats, stick bread, and sled against a tree trunk
12620884 - Snowdrops, crocus, winter aconite and ray anemone for planting in the garden
12669049 - Christmas roses, snowdrops and Winter Aconite hung on wooden ladders to save space
13597632 - Winter dressed woman holding plate with curd strudel
13177348 - Woman harvests kale in winter
12620952 - Winter aconites and snowdrops in bark as table decorations
12620950 - Hyacinths, snowdrops, primroses and Winter aconite in pots
13177347 - Woman harvests kale in winter
13631132 - Winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum), winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis), in homemade pots
13631160 - Wintercreepers (Eranthis hyemalis), snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis), witch hazel and winter jasmine (Jasmimum nudiflorum) in wicker baskets and cat
12668950 - Winter terrace with sugarloaf spruce, skimmia and spurge in pots
12479697 - Plant Box With Winter-Proof Shrubs And Perennials
13631165 - Flower wreath with winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum) and witch hazel
12668944 - Wooden box planted with winter heather, peat myrtle, spurge and sugarloaf spruce, decorated with stars
12620873 - Pot arrangement with high primrose, winter aconite, daffodils and ray anemone
13229762 - Spring terrace: sheet metal tub with gold lacquer 'Winter Orchid', star of milk, primroses, daisies and lungwort 'Trevi Fountain'
13631177 - Winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum) in vases in the garden
13631137 - Winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum), winter roses (Eranthis hyemalis), witch hazel (Hamamelis intermedia) planted in dishes
13631155 - Winter jasmine (Jasmimum nudiflorum) wreath with candles
12366791 - Fragrant bouquet of Viburnum bodnantense 'Dawn' (winter snowball)
13395930 - wallflowers 'Winter Charm' in summer with flowers and seeds
12682205 - Box with 'Blue Moon' 'Etain' 'Lavender Blush' 'White' pansies, 'Winter Whispers' Silver King artemisia, sedges and Alyssum
12620944 - Winter aconite in a wreath of branches and grasses on the fence
12366781 - Small bouquets of Viburnum bodnantense 'Dawn' (winter snowball,
13411427 - Bowl with tall primroses, cowslip, wallflower 'Winter Orchid' and hyacinths
13177346 - Woman harvests kale in winter
13631166 - Flower wreath with winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum) and witch hazel
13617491 - Winter decoration made of cups, saucers, and fir branches
12620895 - Spring arrangement with primrose, violet, winter aconite and ray anemone
13870868 - Iris reticulata;Purple Hill;Lenzenrose;Winter Angel
13597625 - Woman dressed in winter clothes with a cup of mulled wine
12669149 - Spring flirt in a red wooden bucket: gold lacquer 'Winter Passion', Poem 'Lavender' and ribbon flower 'Candy Ice
12620912 - Woman carries basket with Winter aconite and pine trees
12366784 - Small bouquets of Viburnum bodnantense 'Dawn' (winter snowball,
12366745 - Small wreath from Viburnum bodnantense 'Dawn' (winter snowball)
13870869 - Iris reticulata;Purple Hill;Lenzenrose;Winter Angel
13631156 - A wreath of winter jasmine (Jasmimum nudiflorum)
13631134 - Winterlings with winter jasmine
13617532 - Christmas roses (Helleborus Niger), white spruce (Picea glauca) and candles on a wooden table in winter
13229764 - Easter terrace: sheet metal tub with gold lacquer 'Winter Orchid', star of milk, primroses, honey and lungwort 'Trevi Fountain', Easter bunnies, Easter eggs and watering can
12366740 - Flowers of Viburnum bodnantense 'Dawn' (winter snowball,
13631133 - Winterlings with winter jasmine
13411416 - Winter bulbs in clay pots in a wreath of clematis vines and a wire basket, decorated with maple twigs and moss
13395829 - Red enamel bowl with winter pearls, milkweed 'Ascot Rainbow' and Jenny's stonecrop 'Blue Cushion'
12366383 - Small Advent and winter decoration in front of window
13631179 - Garden chairs and garden table with winter jasmine, (Jasminum nudiflorum) in the garden
13177339 - Pot arrangement with Christmas rose, winter flowers, snowdrops and sugar loaf spruce in zinc pots
12672466 - Wooden box with coral bells, Santolina, and ragwort 'Winter Whispers'
12620943 - Pots with Winter aconite as decoration in the snowy garden, wreath of branches and grasses
13631169 - Winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) and winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum) in flower pots
13269140 - Strawberry pot with chives and magic bells in the winter garden
13229902 - Candytuft 'Snowball', gold lacquer Poem 'Lavender' 'Improved Winter Power' and horny violets in a tin box, rosemary and grape hyacinth in clay pots
13177459 - Winter bouquet with pine, fir, cherry laurel, skimmia and holly in a bucket on the garden wall
13177450 - Winter decorated seat in the garden, basket with cones
13177336 - Pot arrangement with Christmas rose, winter flowers, snowdrops and sugar loaf spruce
13177330 - Bed with perennials and Chinese reeds in the winter garden
13631135 - Winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum), winter Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis), witch hazel (Hamamelis intermedia), flowering branches in vases
13229889 - Metal jardiniere with gold lacquer 'Winter Charm', blue cushions, horned violets, daisies and grasses, squill in a clay pot
12479698 - Plant Box With Winter-Proof Shrubs And Perennials
13838185 - Tie Chinese reed together before winter to avoid tonsure.
13411257 - Winter Aconite with moss in wire baskets
13395856 - Poinsettias as table decoration in the winter garden on cake plate with bark, in old bowl and in beef pot
13395564 - Christmas rose in a basket decorated for winter with hazel branches
13371200 - Budding heather and flowering skimmia packed in a winter-proof basket, bouquets of chrysanthemums and hydrangea, cyclamen, and a bag of tulip bulbs
12620947 - Pot table with Christmas rose, snowdrops, hyacinths, winter aconite and wreath on the wall
12199096 - Late autumn, winter with friends in the garden
13411396 - Wallflower 'Winter Charm' 'Winter Passion', primrose Belarina 'Candy Frost', horned violet, Tausendschon Rose, and forget-me-not in a wooden box
13229763 - Easter terrace: sheet metal tub with gold lacquer 'Winter Orchid', milk star, primroses, honey and lungwort 'Trevi Fountain', Easter bunnies, Easter eggs and watering can
12620951 - Winter aconites and snowdrops in bark hung on a wall
12477583 - Winter resistent basket box planted with pine
12366317 - Pots with Eranthis hyemalis (winter aconite), snow
12199089 - Late autumn, winter with friends in the garden
12199088 - Late autumn, winter with friends in the garden
00382102 - A winter bouquet of roses, ivy, rowan and ornamental apples
13631159 - Wintermaconite (Eranthis hyemalis), snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis), witch hazel and winter jasmine (Jasmimum nudiflorum) in wicker baskets and cat
13428697 - Spring arrangement on the flower staircase: daffodil 'Tahiti', horned violet, lily-flowered tulips 'Tres Chic', gold wallflower 'Winter Charme' and forget-me-nots, birdhouse and watering can
13411417 - Winter Aconite in a clay pot in a wreath of clematis vines, maple twigs, and moss
12668952 - Basket planted with pine and winter heather
12668951 - Winter terrace with sugarloaf spruce, skimmia and spurge in pots
12366742 - Small wreath of Viburnum bodnantense 'Dawn' (winter snowball,
13371327 - Chrysanthemum as a color mix trio, 'Winter Pearls' and coral bells
13229906 - Gold lacquer 'Winter Spice' 'Winter Charme', Primrose 'Gold Nugget', purple bells 'Lime Marmalade' and Dwarf Calamus 'Ogon'
13229904 - Candytuft 'Snowball', gold lacquer Poem 'Lavender' 'Improved Winter Power' and horny violets in a tin box, grape hyacinth in a pot
12479687 - Winter Bouquet With Roses, Coniferous Branches And Red Winter Berry
13398961 - Winter arrangement with Christmas roses, coral bells, autumn sedge 'Bronze Form', polypody, and white spruces
13177495 - Winter terrace with skimmia, pine, sugar loaf spruce, autumn sedge, wooden bench with pillows and blanket, fairy lights in the tree
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