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Wreaths Images – License unique garden photos ❘ GardenImage
12581092 - Mobile with wreaths of leaves, sloes, rose hips, crab apples and grass
13450862 - Flowering wreaths by the window: marigolds, camomile, knautia, and thyme
13278774 - Autumn wreaths made of hops, asters and rose hips hung on old window frames, wire baskets with apples
12682245 - Pots with forget-me-nots, horned violets and daffodils 'Tete a Tete', willow wreaths
71317480 - Pot arrangement with Rex begonia, room azaleas, white begonia and Christmas cactus with pine cones on a wooden tray, lantern, firewood and wreaths
13429065 - Easter terrace with daffodils 'Ice Follies' 'Ice King', primroses, horned violets, thyme 'Tabor' and rock jasmine, stone Easter eggs, twig wreaths
13177445 - Christmas decorated terrace with wreaths, stars, cones and lights on a self-made frame made of branches
13234179 - Wreaths with flowers of daffodils, primroses, daisies and forget-me-nots
13177446 - Christmas decorated terrace with wreaths, stars, cones and lights on a self-made frame made of branches
13268864 - Lantern with spring wreaths made of daisies and forget-me-nots
12360344 - Table decoration made from bunches of Dianthus barbatus (carnations) on inverted glasses in wreaths of grass, placed on a tray
13005661 - Cyclamen hanged on a basket on a pile of firewood, wreaths made of Calluna vulgaris and chestnuts as decoration
13491928 - Mini muscat pumpkins 'Butterkin' in wreaths of rose hips and wild vine tendrils on wooden discs
00296144 - Autumnal table decoration: fabric napkins with flower wreaths
13234002 - Bouquet made of lilacs and woad, grass wreaths
13491865 - Edible pumpkins 'Hungarian Blue' with wreaths of autumn asters, man litter, thyme and sage leaves
13429020 - Forget-me-not and bird cherry wreaths hanging from posts
13235284 - Beer garden decoration for at home: old window frames with beer bottles, mugs, glasses, wreaths with pretzels, radishes and onions
12682243 - Daffodils 'Toto', tulips and horned violets without soil in the glass, Easter eggs and willow wreaths as decorations
12366756 - Flowering Hyacinthus (hyacinth) in wreaths of birch branches
13491864 - Edible pumpkins 'Hungarian Blue' with wreaths of autumn asters, man litter, thyme and sage leaves
13005581 - Autumn terrace with blackberry, rose hip, tray with candles, wreaths made of clematis and a wire basket with autumn leaves
13278785 - Autumn bouquet of roses, asters, rose hips and amaranth placed in an old wooden drawer, rose hips wreaths
12484137 - Wicker wreaths decorated with spring flowers to be used as napkin rings
12581091 - Mobile with wreaths of leaves, sloes, rose hips, crab apples and grass
12621038 - Small spring decorations with primroses, willow wreaths and pussy willow in a milk bottle carrier
12366094 - Autumn table decoration with cyclamen with felt cover and grass wreaths
13491918 - Mini muscat pumpkins 'Butterkin' and 'Baby Boo' in wreaths of rose hips and wild vine tendrils on wooden discs
13371235 - Wreaths of switchgrass, elephant grass, and Chinese silver grass on a wooden ladder, pots with echeveria
13413821 - Wreaths of Santolina, cotoneaster and knotweed in autumn colours on door
13491930 - Autumn decoration with mini muscat pumpkin 'Butterkin' and autumn bouquet of roses, dahlia, witch grass and rose hips, wreaths of rose hips and wild vine
13428985 - Pot arrangement of white and blue grape hyacinths in coffee cups, wreaths of moss and grass, saucers, and wooden disk
12366096 - Autumn table decoration with cyclamen with felt cover and grass wreaths
13701249 - DIY mobile with grass wreaths, strawberries and lanterns
13428990 - Basket and wooden box with horned violets, grape hyacinths, hyacinths, daisies, and forget-me-nots, small wreaths of grasses and willow catkins as decoration
13371236 - Wreaths of switchgrass, wild reed, and Chinese reed on a wooden ladder, twigs with rose hips and snail shells as decoration
13235285 - Beer garden decoration for at home: old window frames with beer bottles, mugs, glasses, wreaths with pretzels, radishes and onions
13234181 - Wreaths on birch slices with moss and daisies with fleabane in empty snail shells
13491866 - Edible pumpkins 'Hungarian Blue' with wreaths of autumn asters, man litter, thyme and sage leaves
12682240 - Easter table decoration with horned violets 'Rocky Sunny Side Up', willow wreaths and Easter bunnies
12366101 - Autumn table decoration with cyclamen with felt cover and grass wreaths
14069009 - Decoration - Wreaths
12366093 - Autumn table decoration with cyclamen with felt cover and grass wreaths
13740397 - Lavender wreaths and bouquets on hooks on the terrace
12366754 - Buddy Hyacinthus (hyacinth) in wreaths from birch branches
12195584 - Small lantern with Crataegus and Syringa wreaths
12366098 - Autumn table decoration with cyclamen with felt cover and grass wreaths
12468684 - Wreaths of rose hips with and without yellow flowers and wreath of hydrangeas and blackcurrants hung on tree
12366247 - Hanging Easter bunny made of birch wreaths
12366095 - Autumn table decoration with cyclamen with felt cover and grass wreaths
12197280 - Made of crockery self-made cake stand with zinnia wreaths
00263510 - Table decoration of wreaths of coreopsis and sea lavender
13429019 - Wreaths of forget-me-nots, crab apple blossoms, and bird cherry hanging from posts
12366246 - Hanging Easter bunny made of birch wreaths
12366097 - Autumn table decoration with cyclamen with felt cover and grass wreaths
12498895 - Homemade Cake Stand With Wreaths And Candle
12366248 - Hanging Easter bunny made of birch wreaths
13491952 - Decorative pumpkin arrangement with pumpkin tower and pumpkins with wreaths of snowberries, rose hips, leaves with lanterns and twigs of ornamental apple and peony tree
12366102 - Autumn table decoration with cyclamen with felt cover and grass wreaths
13380773 - Autumn arrangement with wreaths of moss and hydrangea flowers on an old desk
12599589 - Zinc jardiniere with bud heather trio girls and pansies, wreaths
12183463 - Autumn felt bags with candles in jars, wreaths from Malus
12621039 - Small spring decorations with primroses, willow wreaths and pussy willow in a milk bottle carrier, Easter eggs and bunny
12194850 - Tulipa 'Red Paradise' in clay pots on the shed window, wreaths
00263557 - Laid table in the open air with summery wreaths of flowers
12197322 - Decoration with ornamental apples, small wreaths from Malus 'Evereste' red
12366099 - Autumn table decoration with cyclamen with felt cover and grass wreaths
13449365 - DIY wreaths and lanterns
13449359 - DIY wreaths made from dried flowers and fresh summer flowers
13229648 - Wall hanging with roses and Chinese reed: Wreaths made from petals and Chinese reed
00272439 - Wine glasses with moss wreaths, Protea flowers & Hypericum
12178688 - Small bouquet of Muscari in Salix wreaths
12366100 - Autumn table decoration with cyclamen with felt cover and grass wreaths
12194851 - Tulipa 'Red Paradise' in clay pots on the shed window, wreaths
12174916 - Lanterns with medicinal herbs, wreaths, calendula
12197336 - Napkin in wreaths of seeds of fennel (Foeniculum)
12166250 - Preserving jar with herb wreaths hung as a lantern
13407877 - Autumn decoration with roses, potters, flower wreaths, dahlia blossoms, and patty pan squash
12195361 - Woman hanging wreaths from Salix on blooming malus
13229636 - Wreaths of petals of roses and Chinese reeds
13005580 - Autumn terrace with blackberry, rose hip, wreaths of clematis, basket with grass and rose hips and wire basket with autumn leaves
00296495 - Candles in glasses with wreaths of roses, autumn leaves & corn kernels
12509070 - Advent candles decorated with number and box wreaths
12188147 - Apples and ornamental apples, small moss wreaths and colorful leaves
14069008 - Decoration - Wreaths
13380766 - Autumn wreaths made of moss and hydrangea blossoms, Brussels sprouts and onions as decorations
12193624 - Women tie Christmas wreaths
13229635 - Wreaths of petals of roses and Chinese reeds
13449356 - DIY wreaths from dried flowers and lanterns
13229646 - Wall hanging with roses and Chinese reed: Wreaths made of petals and Chinese reed, lampion fruits as decoration
12193620 - Women tie Christmas wreaths
12189177 - Wreaths as hanging advent calendar
13380124 - A work table for making autumn wreaths, a door wreath made of maple leaves and a basket of apples
12193623 - Women tie Christmas wreaths
12165305 - Lantern with wreaths of syringa (lilac) and alchemilla
12197335 - Napkin in wreaths of seeds of fennel (Foeniculum)
13631484 - Wreaths made of cones in the window of a greenhouse
12189178 - Wreaths as hanging advent calendar
13380768 - Autumn wreaths made of moss and hydrangea blossoms, Brussels sprouts, and onions as decoration
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