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Angelica Images – License unique garden photos ❘ GardenImage
13233930 - Medicinal angelica or real angelica in May
14070145 - Angelica archangelica
14070586 - Angelica archangelica
13363106 - Wild Angelica in the meadow
13671118 - Angelica gigas - Large angelica with bee
13671116 - Angelica archangelica - Angelica
13671117 - Angelica archangelica - Angelica
13210247 - Norwegian angelica with red umbels
13210248 - Norwegian angelica with red umbels
12170551 - Forest angelica (Angelica sylvestris), Alps, Austria)
00300014 - Angelica (Angelica archangelica)
12173360 - Terracotta box with young plants of real angelica
12142287 - Angelica archangelica (true angelica)
13584643 - White flowerhead of Cow Parsley (Angelica Sylvestris) detail in urban wildlife garden London
12166436 - Angelica archangelica (Angelica)
12165988 - Angelica archangelica (angelica)
12166435 - Angelica archangelica (angelica)
12144461 - Angelica archangelica (angelica)
00272018 - Iceland poppies and Angelica in vase with sisal netting
12205195 - Angelica archangelica
12173359 - Terracotta boxes with angelica seedlings
12156567 - Nature garden with Angelica gigas (red-flowered angelica)
12156766 - Angelica gigas (Red-flowered angelica)
71102369 - Angelica herb flowers in the summer, Iceland. Angelica is used extensively in herbal medicine.
12233678 - Angelica archangelica Angelica
12128581 - Rosa (Rose 'Angela' syn. 'Angelica'), shrub rose, repeat flowering, robust
12126698 - Stipa calamagrostis syn. Achnatherum calamagrostis (Silver-leaved Eared-grass), Aralia elata 'Variegata' (White-leaved Aralia, White Japanese Angelica)
12128410 - Angelica archangelica (angelica, seed heads)
13598743 - A woman in an apron holding a bouquet of herbs
13861828 - Ingredients for incense mixture to ward off energy robbers
12165961 - Bouquet and wreath of flowering herbs
12663017 - White freesias in vintage carafe on mantelpiece
13660601 - Dandelion wreath on birdcage in crabapple tree
13393616 - A bouquet of buttercups and horned violets in an espresso pot
13169957 - Small posy of roses and narcissus
13521640 - Branch with apple blossom
13431179 - Roses, berries and branches of leaves
13401002 - Small autumn bouquet with pumpkin, hydrangea flowers, everlasting flower, heather, and witchgrass
13399223 - Bouquet of lily-of-the-valley, white forget-me-nots and daisies
13169079 - Bouquet of lilies of the valley and apple blossoms
13399212 - Poppies and cornflowers in wildflower meadow
13393603 - Apple blossom wreath with lantern
13352298 - Posy of roses, hydrangeas and spirea on wooden tray
13002120 - Early summer bouquet of columbines and petunias
13467126 - Early summer arrangement with peony blossom, petunia and privet, rose blossoms
13401001 - Autumn bouquet with chrysanthemums, zinnias, sea lavender, snapdragons, and witchgrass
13407888 - Pumpkin Lantern with Dahlia Blossom, Sea lavenders, and everlasting flowers
13467104 - Apple blossom branches and tulips in a small hanging vase
13431169 - Autumn table decorated with dahlias, pumpkins, ivy and maple leaves
13288902 - Small wire basket with crocus in moss
13002122 - Verbena, rose, sweet cherries and West Indian Lantana in cups
13399228 - Spring wreath made of forget-me-not flowers and cranesbill leaves
13257132 - Arrangement of fir branches, bell, star and small house hung from window handle
13256383 - Bouquet of dahlias and unripe blackberries
13175535 - Old boxes planted with white horned violets and daisies
13384866 - Late summer bouquet of sunflowers, privet berries, aster, twigs, and grasses
13002124 - A bouquet of zinnias, sea lavender and snapdragons
13467154 - Posy of apple blossom and chickweed hung from flowering apple tree
13423976 - Carnations and succulents in containers and teapots on the beach
13407892 - Mason jar as a lantern with a forest motif
13173176 - White lilac bouquet on the patio table in the winter garden
12626194 - Cornflowers, hydrangeas and candle lanterns on garden table
13393609 - Wreath of apple blossom branches
12684508 - Carnations in paper cone bags
13431168 - Autumn bouquet of zinnias, yarrow, sea lavender, elderberries, blackberries and chrysanthemums
13423979 - Pot plants on a table on the beach
13384865 - Pastel bouquet with rose, autumn anemone, and gypsophila (baby's breath) in a cream pitcher
12663008 - Classic English rockery and branch of apple blossom
13522393 - Branches of cherry blossom in vase and silver ornaments
13381003 - Small Easter decoration in an egg carton with daffodil flowers, grape hyacinth, Easter eggs and feathers
12996435 - White wreath of sea lavender, dahlia, and common heather
13655314 - Easter nest with ceramic egg, primula (Primula) and horned violet (Viola cornuta)
13431171 - Trio of hydrangeas in glass vase
13384869 - Hand holding a meadow bouquet of buttercups, red clover, and Caraway
13352297 - A small bouquet of rose petals, hydrangea and meadowsweets
13169947 - Wreath of cornflowers and mock orange flowers
13002132 - A fruit bowl with apricots, peach and sweet cherries
13661257 - Vase of coneflowers (rudbeckia) and white tansy (Achillea ptarmica) on tray with cutlery
13655910 - Easter decoration on a mantelpiece with bunny figures, metal house with tea lights
13375233 - Grape hyacinth in an enamel mug, decorative bird feeder, branches of Cherry plum blossoms, and primrose in a box
13181773 - Snowdrops in urn and glass vase on garden table
13175549 - Cup and saucer planted with bulbs and decorated as Easter gift
13522127 - White bouquet of dahlias, asters, snapdragons, cosmos and scabious
13407882 - Wreath of hydrangea flowers and everlasting flowers on a pumpkin
13256372 - Bouquets of broom heather and sea lavender
12684494 - Purple summer asters in bottles
12663015 - Wreath of white lilac on vintage mirror
13399219 - Arrangement of vase of black tulips, lilac flowers, glass cup of espresso and jars of biscuits and rock sugar
13393614 - Small bottles with spring flowers: horned violet, daffodil, buttercup, tulip, white forget-me-not, and ragwort
13384864 - Small bouquet with zinnia, carnation, snapdragons, and florets in a hanging glass vase
13352317 - Pink bouquet of tulips and peach blossoms
13352296 - Small bouquet of rose blossoms, sneezeweed, and meadowsweets
13235622 - Posy of butterfly lavender
12996439 - Upholstered sedum and houseleek in clay pots
12980917 - White lily flowers in glass vases
13522126 - Bouquet of columbine, lilac, chickweed and red hawthorn in a glass bottle hung on a tree trunk
13384889 - Rusty iron heart in a spring meadow of bluestars and daffodils
13352293 - Violas and swan ornament
13235624 - Wreath of flowering thyme, aubergines and flower in basket
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