
Amphora Images – License unique garden photos ❘ GardenImage

Shade bed with Rhododendron yakushimanum 'Morgenrot' and elf flower, amphora as decoration
13229922 - Shade bed with Rhododendron yakushimanum 'Morgenrot' and elf flower, amphora as decoration
French lavender (Lavandula) in watering can and amphora with geraniums
13487808 - French lavender (Lavandula) in watering can and amphora with geraniums
Garden decoration: amphora
14074451 - Garden decoration: amphora
Spring bed with Allium, column of bricks, amphora planted with carnations
13939900 - Spring bed with Allium, column of bricks, amphora planted with carnations
Decorative table with chive blossoms, amphora, zinc case, seashell, and hat
13363862 - Decorative table with chive blossoms, amphora, zinc case, seashell, and hat
Decorative table with chive blossoms, amphora, zinc vase, and a seashell
13363863 - Decorative table with chive blossoms, amphora, zinc vase, and a seashell
Flowering allium and amphora planted with carnations
13938533 - Flowering allium and amphora planted with carnations
Iron amphora with dahlia flower in a spiral wreath
12159190 - Iron amphora with dahlia flower in a spiral wreath
Plant pocket amphora with herbs
12130792 - Plant pocket amphora with herbs
Amphora with autumn bouquet in the garden
13770688 - Amphora with autumn bouquet in the garden
Planting pocket amphora with herbs
12118775 - Planting pocket amphora with herbs
Narcissus poeticus (poet's daffodil) in terracotta pocket amphora
12185861 - Narcissus poeticus (poet's daffodil) in terracotta pocket amphora
Pocket amphora (strawberry pot) with Tulipa (tulips)
12123072 - Pocket amphora (strawberry pot) with Tulipa (tulips)
Pocket amphora with Primula acaulis, Scilla (Blue Star)
12115958 - Pocket amphora with Primula acaulis, Scilla (Blue Star)
Pocket amphora with Antirrhinum, Dahlia,
12113449 - Pocket amphora with Antirrhinum, Dahlia,
Amphora on pedestal
12131803 - Amphora on pedestal
Amphora with Impatiens and Hedera Helix
12119171 - Amphora with Impatiens and Hedera Helix
Young woman harvesting thyme from bag amphora
12132395 - Young woman harvesting thyme from bag amphora
Pocket amphora with Pieris japonica (lavender heather)
12119356 - Pocket amphora with Pieris japonica (lavender heather)
Iron amphora with autumnal arrangement of carnations and hydrangeas
12223703 - Iron amphora with autumnal arrangement of carnations and hydrangeas
Pocket amphora with Primula acaulis (spring primroses)
12143596 - Pocket amphora with Primula acaulis (spring primroses)
Planting amphora with climbing lion's mouth
12111245 - Planting amphora with climbing lion's mouth
Young woman harvesting thyme from bag amphora
12132396 - Young woman harvesting thyme from bag amphora
Blue bag amphora (strawberry pot) with primula acaulis
12149585 - Blue bag amphora (strawberry pot) with primula acaulis
Pocket amphora with summer flowers
12132017 - Pocket amphora with summer flowers
Potted plants in warm rust-brown tones on the terrace, colorful Coleus (Solenostemon scutellarioides) and amphora
13654882 - Potted plants in warm rust-brown tones on the terrace, colorful Coleus (Solenostemon scutellarioides) and amphora
Pocket amphora with Soleirolia soleirolii
12217245 - Pocket amphora with Soleirolia soleirolii
Wreath on iron amphora: Calluna (heather), Rosa (rosehip)
12120158 - Wreath on iron amphora: Calluna (heather), Rosa (rosehip)
Amphora with Salpiglossis, Papaver
12111252 - Amphora with Salpiglossis, Papaver
Pocket amphora with Tagetes tenuifolia (spice-leaved Tagetes)
12109929 - Pocket amphora with Tagetes tenuifolia (spice-leaved Tagetes)
Bed with sedum (stonecrop) and amphora in hoar-frost and snow
12134363 - Bed with sedum (stonecrop) and amphora in hoar-frost and snow
Amphora with Salpiglossis, Oenothera biennis, Sedum, Oenothera
12111025 - Amphora with Salpiglossis, Oenothera biennis, Sedum, Oenothera
Pocket amphora with summer flor
12132016 - Pocket amphora with summer flor
Pocket amphora with tomatoes
12119041 - Pocket amphora with tomatoes
Iron amphora bound with clippings branches as a pyramid
12117501 - Iron amphora bound with clippings branches as a pyramid
Pocket amphora with yellow tulips, clematis
12110502 - Pocket amphora with yellow tulips, clematis
Pocket amphora with Hedera helix varieties and Skimmia japonica
12119355 - Pocket amphora with Hedera helix varieties and Skimmia japonica
Pocket Amphora, Tulipa, Primula, Bellis, Scilla
12115859 - Pocket Amphora, Tulipa, Primula, Bellis, Scilla
Pocket amphora with Antirrhinum (snapdragon)
12132431 - Pocket amphora with Antirrhinum (snapdragon)
Pocket amphora
12112655 - Pocket amphora
Take Viola cornuta (horned violet) out of the amphora in May
12106773 - Take Viola cornuta (horned violet) out of the amphora in May
Pocket amphora with summer flor
12132015 - Pocket amphora with summer flor
Pocket amphora: Antirrhinum (snapdragon)
12113450 - Pocket amphora: Antirrhinum (snapdragon)
Mixed, flowering hyacinths in amphora
14085076 - Mixed, flowering hyacinths in amphora
Amphora with autumn bouquet in the garden
13770689 - Amphora with autumn bouquet in the garden
White garden bench in front of an ivy hedge, amphora with flowers
14165846 - White garden bench in front of an ivy hedge, amphora with flowers
Watering can, partially planted and flower amphora
13487831 - Watering can, partially planted and flower amphora
Helenium (Sunflower) with grasses and Greek amphora in a border
12181563 - Helenium (Sunflower) with grasses and Greek amphora in a border
Pocket amphora with dogwood wreath and daffodils
12179540 - Pocket amphora with dogwood wreath and daffodils
Pocket amphora with dogwood wreath and daffodils
12179531 - Pocket amphora with dogwood wreath and daffodils
Helenium (coneflower) with grasses and Greek amphora in a border
12181562 - Helenium (coneflower) with grasses and Greek amphora in a border
Pocket amphora with dogwood wreath and daffodils
12179535 - Pocket amphora with dogwood wreath and daffodils
Pocket amphora hanging as a wall planter, Skimmia reevesiana
12183860 - Pocket amphora hanging as a wall planter, Skimmia reevesiana
Snowy amphora on column
12169960 - Snowy amphora on column
Pocket Amphora Hanging as Wall Vessel Calluna Garden Girls 'Pink Alicia'
12183854 - Pocket Amphora Hanging as Wall Vessel Calluna Garden Girls 'Pink Alicia'
Pocket amphora with dogwood wreath and daffodils
12179533 - Pocket amphora with dogwood wreath and daffodils
Woman planting pocket amphora with Tulipa 'Negrita' (Triumph tulips)
12179541 - Woman planting pocket amphora with Tulipa 'Negrita' (Triumph tulips)
Amphora with Tulipa 'Monte Carlo', Gypsophila (baby's breath)
12131650 - Amphora with Tulipa 'Monte Carlo', Gypsophila (baby's breath)
Sowing biennial Myosotis sylvatica (forget-me-not) in pocket amphora
12114446 - Sowing biennial Myosotis sylvatica (forget-me-not) in pocket amphora
Pocket amphora with dogwood wreath and daffodils
12179534 - Pocket amphora with dogwood wreath and daffodils
Pocket amphora with dogwood wreath and daffodils
12179538 - Pocket amphora with dogwood wreath and daffodils
Pocket amphora with dogwood wreath and daffodils
12179532 - Pocket amphora with dogwood wreath and daffodils
Pocket amphora with basil 'Big Green Genoveser'
12167741 - Pocket amphora with basil 'Big Green Genoveser'
Pocket amphora planted with viola cornuta (horn violet)
12155826 - Pocket amphora planted with viola cornuta (horn violet)
Pocket amphora with scented geraniums
12122529 - Pocket amphora with scented geraniums
Amphora in its 3rd year
12107044 - Amphora in its 3rd year
Basket amphora with bouquet of roses and autumn chrysanthemums
12221748 - Basket amphora with bouquet of roses and autumn chrysanthemums
Pocket amphora with dogwood wreath and daffodils
12179536 - Pocket amphora with dogwood wreath and daffodils
Lycopersicon (Mini tomatoes) in pocket amphora
12157610 - Lycopersicon (Mini tomatoes) in pocket amphora
Wild strawberry in pocket amphora
12233119 - Wild strawberry in pocket amphora
Pocket amphora
12110387 - Pocket amphora
Amphora in winterproof white clay
12109830 - Amphora in winterproof white clay
Pocket amphora with Lobelia erinus
12111058 - Pocket amphora with Lobelia erinus
Amphora with ivy stems, Primula
12110573 - Amphora with ivy stems, Primula
Amphora in the 3rd year
12107046 - Amphora in the 3rd year
Galanthus nivalis (snowdrop) in blue pocket amphora
12148909 - Galanthus nivalis (snowdrop) in blue pocket amphora
Iron amphora with advent arrangement of branches and balls
12218993 - Iron amphora with advent arrangement of branches and balls
Pocket amphora with Viola cornuta (horned violet), Erysimum
12179529 - Pocket amphora with Viola cornuta (horned violet), Erysimum
Iron amphora with dendranthema 'Dreamstar Leto'
12117389 - Iron amphora with dendranthema 'Dreamstar Leto'
Amphora in 3rd year
12107045 - Amphora in 3rd year
Pocket amphora with dogwood wreath and daffodils
12179539 - Pocket amphora with dogwood wreath and daffodils
Pocket amphora with dogwood wreath and daffodils
12179537 - Pocket amphora with dogwood wreath and daffodils
Plant pocket amphora with herbs
12147367 - Plant pocket amphora with herbs
Pocket amphora with herbs, basil, origanum
12111630 - Pocket amphora with herbs, basil, origanum
Forest strawberries in pocket amphora
12233118 - Forest strawberries in pocket amphora
Colourful autumn bed with amphora and asters
12159536 - Colourful autumn bed with amphora and asters
Planting pocket amphora with herbs (1/2)
12147368 - Planting pocket amphora with herbs (1/2)
Wild strawberry in bag amphora
12233114 - Wild strawberry in bag amphora
Pocket amphora with Beta (chard), Thymus
12140053 - Pocket amphora with Beta (chard), Thymus
Pocket amphora with Antirrhinum (snapdragon)
12132430 - Pocket amphora with Antirrhinum (snapdragon)
Colourful autumn border with amphora and asters
12159537 - Colourful autumn border with amphora and asters
Iron amphora with Solanum (Lycianthes) rantonnetii, Petunia
12119553 - Iron amphora with Solanum (Lycianthes) rantonnetii, Petunia
Amphora in the 3rd year
12107038 - Amphora in the 3rd year
Iron amphora at the house entrance with Tulipa 'Showwinner', Viola
12222454 - Iron amphora at the house entrance with Tulipa 'Showwinner', Viola
Amphora with Tulipa 'Flair' (tulips) in the rose garden
12155859 - Amphora with Tulipa 'Flair' (tulips) in the rose garden
Planted amphora in the perennial border
12140610 - Planted amphora in the perennial border
Amphora with autumnal branches
12221075 - Amphora with autumnal branches
House entrance decorated for Easter: Iron amphora, tulipa hybr
12222426 - House entrance decorated for Easter: Iron amphora, tulipa hybr
Pocket amphora (strawberry pot) planted with herbs (2/2)
12146367 - Pocket amphora (strawberry pot) planted with herbs (2/2)
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